You can now See, Move and Manage your finances anytime, anywhere with Breeze mobile banking. Designed with you in mind, we’ve packed the application with loads of must haves like paying your bills & transferring funds and we’ve even thought of some other pretty cool features for you as well! Here are just some of the things you can do:
- Pay your utility bills - Transfer funds to other banks in China- View account details on the go - Personalize your accounts with icons and nicknames
Make the most of your precious time and download today!
管理银行账户和交易,最讨厌受到时间地点限制,您是否想要随时随地查询、管理银行账户与交易信息?现在, 逸账户手机银行可以帮助您将这一愿望变成现实。本着顾客至上的原则, 逸账户手机银行不仅为您提供了必备的支付账单及转账服务, 还精心设计了一些非常有趣的功能!,在逸账户手机银行,您可以: